Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

5 Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1 I’m staying at home because / why I need to study for
a test.
2 It’s a lot / too cold to play in the park. It’s snowing.
3 How many / much sugar do you have in your tea?
4 Eat a good breakfast. Its / It’s good for you.
5 Mary is John and Ann’s daughter. She’s they’re / their
6 You can put your books into / above your bags now,
children. It’s time to go home.
7 We / Let’s go for a picnic. The weather is fantastic.
8 I’m sorry but I can / can’t play football today. My leg
is broken

Ответы 1



I’m staying at home because I need to study for a test.

It’s too cold to play in the park. It’s snowing.

How much sugar do you have in your tea?

Eat a good breakfast. It’s good for you.

Mary is John and Ann’s daughter. She’s their child.

You can put your books into your bags now, children. It’s time to go home.

Let’s go for a picnic. The weather is fantastic.

I’m sorry but I can’t play football today. My leg is broken.

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