Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

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Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect form of the verbs given and
one of these words.

already • ever • just • never • yet

1 I …………………………………………………………………………………… (not
see) the new wildlife series on TV ………………… . Is it good?
2 I …………………………………………………………………………………… (put)
some photos on the website. Have a look now!
3 ……………………………………………………………………………………
(you/be) to the department store on Bridge Street?
4 Paul ………………………………………………………………………
(do) his homework so now he’s playing on his computer games console.
5 I …………………………………………………………………………………… (eat)
Japanese food, but I’ve always wanted to try some.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of these
adjectives. There are three extra options.

bad • cheerful • cloudy • comfortable • far interesting • long • sunny

1 It’s much ……………………………………………… today than it was yesterday, but I
don’t think it’s going to rain.
2 Helen is the ……………………………………………… person I know. She’s always
smiling even when everyone else is angry or sad.
3 What’s the ……………………………………………… you’ve ever ridden your
4 Pollution in our town has become much ………………
……………………………… since the new factory opened.
5 My mum has bought a new sofa. It’s much ………………………………………………
than the old one.
1 A: I want to buy a really nice ring.
B: Try the chemist’s/jeweller’s in the High Street.
2 A: We lost the match. I’m very bored/sad.
B: Don’t worry. There’s always next time.
3 A: You look really tired.
B: We swam to the island/field in the lake.
4 A: Some people don’t have enough to eat.
B: Yes. Homelessness/Hunger is a really serious
5 A: We need some more vegetables.
B: I’ll get some at the stationery shop/greengrocer’s.Complete the sentences with these words. There are two extra options.

bakery • coat • crime • poverty • river
valley • violence

1 I’ve just been to the ……………………… to get some really fresh bread.
2 My parents don’t allow us to watch films with a lot of ……………………… in them.
3 We went sailing on the ……………………… .
4 People who have no money live in ……………………… .
5 I didn’t wear my ……………………… this morning and I got very cold.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B, C or D.1 It was really ……………………… outdoors. We couldn’t see.
A sunny B icy C foggy D hot
2 A ……………………… stung my mum at the picnic.
A snake B fish C lizard D bee
3 The ……………………… in our little garden is very green.
A grass B hill C lake D valley
4 The big ……………………… in the bath didn’t frighten me!
A shark B spider C jellyfish D whale
5 We bought some walking boots at the new ……………………… .
A bookshop B butcher’s C sports shop D bakery
7 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.
I saw a programme about a school that had a charity fashion show for endangered wildlife
(1) tigers/spiders/lizards. The clothes were made from rubbish! There was one (2)
trousers/dress/leggings made from tin foil! And they sold colourful accessories – things
like (3) jewellery/shoes/trainers and hats. The organisers were very (4)
relaxed/bored/hard-working and they made a lot of money. I’m interested in the problem
(5) poverty/hunger/homelessness. Maybe we could do something at our school to help
people who have nowhere to live.
Use of English
8 Complete the dialogue with the sentences A–G. There are two extra sentences.
Lucy:Where are you going for your holiday?
David: (1) ………………………
Lucy:How long are you going for?
David: (2) ………………………
Lucy:No, I haven’t. What’s it like?
David: (3) ………………………
Lucy:What will you see?
David: We’re going to Santiago and the Atacama Desert. That’s the driest
place on Earth.
Lucy:Is it very hot there?
David: (4) ………………………
Lucy:What clothes are you taking?
David: (5) ………………………
Lucy:Well, take lots of photos!
A It’s a long thin country. It’s above Antarctica.
B I won’t be going there. There isn’t enough time.
C Three weeks. Have you ever been there?
D Jeans, shorts – not too much. I have to carry it all.
E I’m going to buy a camera at the airport.
F Chile, in South America.
G Yes, but cold at night.

Ответы 1

It's much sunnier today than it was yesterday, but I don't think it's going to rain.Helen is the cheerfullest person I know. She's always smiling even when everyone else is angry or sad.What's the longest you've ever ridden your bicycle?Pollution in our town has become much worse since the new factory opened.My mum has bought a new sofa. It's much more comfortable than the old one.


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