Вопрос по английскому языку
5 лет назад

Complete the past continuous sentences using 'was' / 'were' and one of the verbs from the table: just remember to change the form of the verb. The pictures under the sentences will help you to choose the correct word.

rest talk speak rain play study go
look sleep read sweep work walk listen

Ray was studying very hard when she called.

1. They __ a newspaper when I entered.
2. When you telephoned, I __ my yard.
3. While we_____ , we heard a shot.
4. She____along the embankment when I met her yesterday.
5. They __to the lecture when the light went off.

Ответы 1


1. They were reading a newspaper when I entered.

2. When you telephoned, I was sweeping my yard.

3. While we were sleeping , we heard a shot.

4. She was walking along the embankment when I met her yesterday.

5. They were listening to the lecture when the light went off.

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