Вопрос по английскому языку
6 лет назад

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1 C an 2 C - 3 A a 4 B the 5 C - 6 A the

7 C the 8 A a 9 A the 10 C a 11 B -  12 A the 

Rob: Emma, what country would you like to visit?

Emma: Oh, that's (1) easy question! I'd like to go to (2) New Zealand.

Rob: New Zealand? Where's that?

Emma: It's (3) small country in (4) Pacific Ocean.

Rob: Oh, of course! It's near (5) Antarctic.

Emma: Yes, that's right. But (6)  weather in New Zealand is much warmer In summer, (7)     temperatures can reach 35° to 40°C!

Rob: That's hot! I've heard that it's (8) very beautiful country.

Emma: Yes, a lot of films are made there because (9) mountains and the forests are so amazing.

Rob: I think there was (10)  very bad earthquake there last month.

Emma: Yes, that's right. Unfortunately, (11) earthquakes are common in New Zealand.

Rob: Oh, dear. I hope that (12)  people in that area are OK.

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