Вопрос по английскому языку
10 лет назад

Помогите пожалуйста глупенькой
Put the sentences into the passive voice where possible.
1. Someone will drive you to the airport.
2. Goldfish live in fresh water.
3. The Egyptains built pyramids.
4. We walked 4 miles yesterday.
5.They arrived at 7 last night.
6. They informed me about it.
7. I sleep till 8.
8. It's raining.
9. you must obey the rules.
10. He's sneezing again.
11. You can buy videos like this anywhere.
12. Someone has to write the history of this place.
13. They have sold their car to pay the debts.
14. They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week.
15. They have proved that there is no life on the Moon.
16. They owe a lot of money to the bank.

Ответы 1


1. You will be driven by someone to the airport.

3. Pyramids were built by the Egyptians.

6. I was informed about it by them.

9. The rules must be obeyed by you.

11. Videos like this can be bought by you anywhere.

12. The history of this place has to be written by someone.

13. Their car has been sold by them to pay the debts.

14. A meeting in the village hall is held by them once a week.

15. It has been proved by them that there is no life on the Moon.

16. A lot of money is owed by them to the bank.

1. Вас отвезут в аэропорт.

3. Пирамиды были построены египтянами.

6. Они сообщили мне об этом.

9. Правила должны соблюдаться вами.

11. Подобные видео вы можете купить где угодно.

12. История этого места должна быть кем-то написана.

13. Их автомобиль был продан, чтобы заплатить долги.

14. Собрание в деревенской ратуше проводится ими раз в неделю.

15. Они доказали, что на Луне нет жизни.

16. Они задолжали банку много денег.

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