Вопрос по английскому языку
7 лет назад

Помогите продолжить предложения
1) I love places which......
2) Me dream house would be one that .....
3) What I like about my favourite building is that ....
4) A place i like to relax in is where ....
5) Exploring new cities is what ...
6) The most famous architect in my country is a person who....
НАДО СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ответы 1

1) I love places which are quiet.
2) My dream house would be one that is big.
3) What I like about my favourite building is that it is small.
4) A place I like to relax in is where there are no people.
5) Exploring new cities is what I like.
6) The most famous architect in my country is a person who built a big church.

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