Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

5 Imagine you've got an injury and you go to the doctor's. Explain what it is and how it happened. Write about four different injuries. Use the words on this page and in the box to help you. ankle arm hand finger foot head knee leg shoulder wrist I've sprained my ankle. I was climbing a tree and I fell.​

Ответы 1


I've sprained my wrist. I was playing basketball and while attempting to catch the ball, I landed awkwardly on my hand.

I've hurt my knee. I was running in the park, and suddenly I tripped over a rock and fell forward, putting all the impact on my knee.

I've injured my shoulder. I was lifting weights at the gym, and while attempting to lift a heavy barbell, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

I've broken my finger. I was playing soccer, and during a tackle, the ball hit my finger at an odd angle, causing it to fracture.

In each case, the injury is described along with the activity that led to it, highlighting how the specific body part was affected.

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