Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Diet and exercise

So you think you need to go 1 a diet? Are you really sure that's the best way to lose weight and get fit? Very often what you eat 2 out to be the least important factor, especially if you want the results to last. One question to ask yourself is whether 3 exercise routine is regular. Spending several hours at a gym three days a row and then doing nothing for two weeks is a bad idea. Getting one hour of exercise 5 other day is far more effective. Your body has 6 own way of adjusting to the exercise routine, and you will experience less fatigue and 7 injuries with a regular workout schedule. Also, if you're one of those people who eat a huge breakfast and then nothing until the evening, 8 eating more often, and remember to make your meals as healthy as possible. Finally, don't 9 an exercise or diet routine just because it's fashionable. It's your body, after all, and by 10 attention to how it responds you can find the most effective plan for you.

1 A at

B for

C in

D on

2 A comes

3 A your

B turns

C does

D makes

B mine


4 A at

5 A every

B of

B each


D his

6 A his

B its

D for C some Done

7 A less

8 A take


D your

B the few C fewer D the less

B go

9 A take

C put

D try

B follow

C make

D lead

10 A paying

B doing

C spending

D having

Ответы 1


B for

C does

A your

B each

A every

B its

A less

C make

B follow

A paying

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