Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

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The USA-English
Ireland - ______________
Ukraine -_______________
China -_______________
Canada -_______________

IV Fill in the gaps in the text.
The 1) _____________of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a big city. More than three million people live there. Kyiv is situated on 2) ____Dnipro , the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over the Dnipro you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main 3)_____________ in Kyiv. There are also many 4) ____________ of interest in Kyiv. They are the 5) ___________ Gate, St. Sophia 6) ______________ , Kyiv – PecherskLavra and many others.

river, town, capital

the, a, an

c)square, street, shop

places, music, street

e)Silver, Metal, Golden

church, Cathedral, museum.

Ответы 1


capital, the, street, places, Golden, Cathedral.


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