Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1 Mary was sniffing when I spoke to her on the phone.
She sounded as though she ...was crying... (cry) at the time.
2 You seem very happy today. You seem as though you.
(just/hear) some good news.
3 Sarah looked very frightened last night. She looked as if she ...
.... (see) a ghost.
4 She didn't know him, but she acted as if she ..................................................…... (knOW) him.
5 What a delicious smell! It smells as if mother ....
..... (bake) at the moment.
6 My boss tells the same jokes all the time and we always laugh as if we ....
(never/ hear) them before.
7 Emma was wearing a beautiful dress last night. She looked as if she ....
. (go) to a party.
8 Jack is only twenty-two years old, but sometimes he behaves as though he .............
.......... (be)
much older.
9 There was a lot of noise last night. It sounded as if the people next door ................................... (have) a party.
10 They must have had an argument because they acted as if they
... (not/like) each other.
11 It's very cold outside today. In fact, it feels as if it
... (Snow).
12 James has been very selfish recently. He has been behaving as though he
.. (not/want)
to help anyone out.
13 Helen didn't study science at university, but sometimes she talks about it as if she .........
(be) an expert on the subject.

Ответы 1

  1. Mary was sniffing when I spoke to her on the phone. She sounded as though she was crying (cry) at the time.
  2. You seem very happy today. You seem as though you just heard (hear) some good news.
  3. Sarah looked very frightened last night. She looked as if she had seen (see) a ghost.
  4. She didn't know him, but she acted as if she knew (know) him.
  5. What a delicious smell! It smells as if mother is baking (bake) at the moment.
  6. My boss tells the same jokes all the time and we always laugh as if we have never heard (never/ hear) them before.
  7. Emma was wearing a beautiful dress last night. She looked as if she was going (go) to a party.
  8. Jack is only twenty-two years old, but sometimes he behaves as though he is (be) much older.
  9. There was a lot of noise last night. It sounded as if the people next door were having (have) a party.
  10. They must have had an argument because they acted as if they did not like (not/like) each other.
  11. It's very cold outside today. In fact, it feels as if it is snowing (snow).
  12. James has been very selfish recently. He has been behaving as though he does not want (not/want) to help anyone out.
  13. Helen didn't study science at university, but sometimes she talks about it as if she is (be) an expert on the subject.
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