Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

7 Choose the correct forms. 1 He isn't watching / doesn't watch a match now. He's in the library. 2 Tim often watches / is often watching football matches with his friends. 3 Do you work/Are you working or can I come in? 4 My English is getting /gets a lot better. 5 He usually stays / is staying in his flat in London but he stays / is staying with his parents at the moment. 6 I spend/am spending more time with my girlfriend these days. пж помогите дам 30баллов​

Ответы 1


1. He isn't watching 2. Tim often watches 3. Are you working 4. My English is getting 5. He usually stays in his flat in London but he is staying with his parents at the moment. 6. I am spending.


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