Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Write an email to a friend who lives in another country. Tell them all about country.

In your description:
• describe your country: where it is, the geography. Language, weather, etc.
• describe the things people like in your country, e.g, food, music, sport, etc.
• say which other countries you would like to visit and say why you'd like to go there.
Write as much as you can about each of the things in your description and don't forget to use a good beginning and ending.
Write between 80 and 130 words.

Write your task here:
Hi Kasper
How are you? I'm going to tell you about my country.
(Якщо що, я проживаю в Україні, а моя подруга в Іспанії. Напишіть чим пошвиче, thx!)

Ответы 1



Hi Kasper,

How are you? I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to tell you all about my beautiful country, Ukraine.

Ukraine is located in Eastern Europe and is known for its diverse geography. We have vast plains, picturesque mountains, and charming coastal areas along the Black Sea. Our official language is Ukrainian, but many people also speak Russian and other regional languages.

One thing that people in Ukraine absolutely love is our delicious traditional food. From borscht, a hearty beetroot soup, to varenyky, mouthwatering dumplings filled with various fillings, our cuisine is rich in flavors and always leaves you wanting more. We also have a deep appreciation for music, especially folk music and traditional dance. It's not uncommon to see lively performances and festivals celebrating our vibrant cultural heritage.

As for the weather, we experience all four seasons. Summers can be warm and sunny, perfect for exploring our beautiful countryside, while winters are cold and snowy, ideal for winter sports enthusiasts.

Speaking of other countries, I would love to visit Spain one day, your home country. I've always been fascinated by the rich history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant culture of Spain. Exploring cities like Barcelona and Madrid, indulging in delicious tapas, and experiencing the lively atmosphere of flamenco dancing would be a dream come true.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about my country. I look forward to hearing from you soon and learning more about life in Spain.Take care!Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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