Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

2A Complete the sentences with the words in the box. retrieve rightful interrupt essentially respond independence patience trust worth particular spirit 1. Everyone thanked him for showing so much xxx to the sick people. 2. It's very important to play any game in the high xxx. 3. Farida is an xxx honest person. 4. The woman bent down to xxx her earring. 5. Nothing is more precious than xxx and freedom. 6. It's not polite to xxx someone when he or she is busy. 7. I offered him a cup of coffee, but he did not xxx. 8. A bird in the hand is xxx two in the bush. 9. Is there a xxx type of book you enjoy? 10. Never xxx another what you should do yourself. 11. Who is the xxx owner of this painting?​

Ответы 1

1. Everyone thanked him for showing so much patience to the sick people.

2. It’s very important to play any game in the high spirit.

3. Farida is an essentially honest person.

4. The woman bent down to retrieve her earring.

5. Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.

6. It’s not polite to interrupt someone when he or she is busy.

7. I offered him a cup of coffee, but he did not respond.

8. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

9. Is there a particular type of book you enjoy?

10. Never trust another what you should do yourself.

11. Who is the rightful owner of this painting?​

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