Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

are 3 Прочитай текст, заповнюючи пропуски артиклями, де це необхідно. Welcome to School! "Wake up, my sweet! It's time to get up!" my mother says. Today is ... first of September. I am pupil of first form. flowers in my I go to school. I am very happy. I have .hand. www *** *** www ……. My... elder elder... brother is pupil of ... eleventh ... form. He is good... schoolboy. He is very glad to see ... his classmates and ... teachers. For... first time in ... my my... life I go to school with brother. He smiles at me, "Hurry up! Come on, kid!" ... *** www *** *** Запам'ятай конструкції, які вживаються без артикля: my поможіть​

Ответы 1

Відповідь:Welcome to School! "Wake up, my sweet! It's time to get up!" my mother says. Today is the first of September. I am a pupil of the first form. I see flowers in my room as I go to school. I am very happy. I have my hand in my brother's hand. www *** *** www ……. My elder brother is a pupil of the eleventh form. He is a good schoolboy. He is very glad to see his classmates and the teachers. For the first time in my life, I go to school with my brother. He smiles at me, "Hurry up! Come on, kid!"

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