Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

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Завдання 3. Побудуйте питальне розподільне речення.
Ben won’t go sightseeing with you, …………………….. ?
There isn’t an atlas in the schoolbag, …………………… ?
That is a new map, ………………………………………. ?
The sheep sleeps here, …………………………………… ?
The sheep are hungry, ……………………………………. ?
There were three boys in the bus, …………………………?
I am grateful for the help,………… ……………………... ?
They write a lot of letters, ……………………………….. ?
He never wins, …………………………………..……….. ?
Kate met the actor,………………… …………………….. ?
Завдання 4. Побудуйте речення.
1. Have/lost/you/a competition/ever?
2. Your/study/or/does/Geography/friend/Music?
3. My/will/I/a/have/I/cake/make/when/birthday.
4. When/were/did/in/you/London/it/rain?
5. Programs/has/any/today/not/TV/she/watched.

Ответы 1


Ex. 3

1. will he

2. is there

3. isn't it

4. doesn't it

5. aren't they

6. weren't there

7. am I not

8. don't they

9. does he

10. didnt she


1. Have you ever lost a competition?

2. Does your friend study Geography or Music?


4. When you were in London, did it rain?

5. She has not watched any TV programs today.

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