Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Нужно к предложениям определить какое это время

Ответы 1


1 ) What happened? ( *Past Simple* - V2)

2) What's going on? ( *Present Continuous* - am/is/are + V1 + ing)

3) I never forget anything ( *Present Simple*)

4) I was sleeping all day long (*Past Continuous* - was/were +V1 + ing)

5) The train arrives at 5 am (*Present Simple*)

6) The train will leave in 10 minutes (*Future Simple* - will + V1)

7) I cut my finger 3 days ago (*Past Simple*)

8) They have never been to Rome (*Present Perfect* - have/has + V3)

9) Right now he is telling them an interesting story (*Present Continuous*)

10) I had moved to LA after living in New York. (*Past Perfect* - had + V3)

11) They will have finished this project by next Friday (*Future Perfect* - will + have + V3)

12) He has not come yet (Present Perfect)


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