Ответы 1
Electronics is the basis of modern automation.
Cybernetics is closely related to other fields of knowledge.
Computers are used in industry, medicine, scientific research, banking, and weather forecasting.
Augusta Ada Byron, daughter of the famous poet, made the mathematical software for the first computer. At sixteen, she had a deep knowledge of mathematics.
Computers open up great prospects for human creativity that could only be talked about by science fiction writers.
A digital computer can perform in one day a volume of work that a team of calculators could not handle in a year.
Raising to a power and extracting a square root are mathematical operations.
All these rules should be remembered when solving the problem.
To write a program for a computer, a programmer must have a good knowledge of mathematics.
After performing calculations, the computer displays the result.
By inventing the computer, humanity made a great step forward on the path of progress.
The data being processed is received by the computer through an input device.
It is known that the computer is the most amazing achievement of humanity.
We know that B. Pascal constructed the first mechanical computing device.
The process of the computer memorizing data is called information storage.
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