Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

??? Нурланов Елдос SUPERLATIVE AND PRESENT PERFECT What would you say in these situations? Use a superlative EVER Present perfect + eg: This is the (good/film/watch) This is the best film I've ever watched. 1. Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say! (funny/ joke/ hear) That's 2. You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely violent. You tell your friend: (violent/film/see) That's 3. You've just met your new neighbour, and he seems very friendly. You tell your mum: (friendly/person/ meet). He's 4. You're eating ice cream with your friend. It's really good ice cream. You say: (good/ ice cream / eat) That's 5. You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad / mistake/ make) It's 6. Your neighbour meets a lot of people, some of them very famous. You ask your friend: (famous/person/meet?) Who is 7. You are talking to a friend about Julie. Julie is a very beautiful girl. You tell your friend: (beautiful girl /go out with) Julie is 8. You are talking about your holidays in the Alps; it was freezing cold. You tell your friend (cold/holidays / have) These were 9. You have just received the result of your English test, which was not very good!! You say to your parents: (bad / mark in English / have) This is 10. You have just made a really funny video on Youtube. You tell your friend: (funny /video/ make) This is 11. You have managed to swim three kilometres. This is a very long distance, You tell your swimming coach/ (long/ distance / swim) This is 12. At your penfriend's in Scotland, you have finished your shepherd's pie. This is not very good food. On the phone you tell your parents: (disgusting / dish / taste) This is​

Ответы 1

1. That's the funniest joke I've ever heard.

2. That's the most violent film I've ever seen.

3. He's the friendliest person I've ever met.

4. That's the best ice cream I've ever eaten.

5. That was the worst mistake I've ever made.

6. Who is the most famous person he's ever met?

7. Julie is the most beautiful girl I've ever gone out with.

8. Those were the coldest holidays I've ever had.

9. I have just received the worst mark in English I've ever had.

10. This is the funniest video I've ever made.

11. This is the longest distance I've ever swum.

12. This is the most disgusting dish I've ever tasted.

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