Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Вставити артиклі де необхідно, якщо не ставити поставити - 1. I bought......... pair of shoes. 2. I saw........... movie last night. 3. They are staying at......... hostel. 4. I think....... woman over there is very unfriendly. 5. I do not like....... football. 6. That is........ problem I told you about. 7.......night is quiet. Let’s take a walk! 8......... price of gas keeps rising. 9. John traveled to ....... USA. 10. Juan is....... Portuguese. 11. I watched ........amazing movie yesterday.

Ответы 1

1. I bought a pair of shoes.

2. I saw a movie last night.

3. They are staying at a hostel.

4. I think the woman over there is very unfriendly.

5. I do not like football.

6. That is the problem I told you about.

7. The night is quiet. Let’s take a walk!

8. The price of gas keeps rising.

9. John traveled to the USA.

10. Juan is Portuguese.

11. I watched an amazing movie yesterday.

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