Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

"What new hobby would you like to try?"
Можете написать где то 6-7 предложений на англ, про катание на скейте

Ответы 2

I would really like to try my hand at swimming and drawing. I was thinking about trying paint. I also love to swim, and I'm getting better at it. My friends support me in my endeavors. I think I can do it.
/Я бы очень хотел попробовать себя в плаванье и рисовании. Я думал попробовать рисовать красками. Так же я люблю плавать, и я совершенствуюсь в этом. Мои друзья поддерживают меня в моих начинаниях. Думаю у меня всё получится. (Перевод)


I would like to try skateboarding. For such a hobby, you need the following equipment : knee pads, a helmet, and, of course, the skateboard itself. Skateboarding was probably born sometime in the late 1940s, and is very popular to this day. Skateboarding can be done simply as a hobby, but it is also a competitive sport. It can be dangerous in certain circumstances, but it is also really fun if you follow the safety rules. Skateboarding as a hobby is quite popular due to the fact that it can be easily practiced in the urban landscape. I would love to try skateboarding because it is definitely a fun hobby.

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