Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

1 ... pupils received prizes.
a) Some
b) An
c) Somebody
d) One
2 We didn't meet ... people in that lonely street.
a) some
b) anyone
c) any
d) no
3 She told me ... interesting.
a) something
b) someone
c) some
d) any
4 ... was here before us.
a) Somebody
b) Some
c) Anybody
d) any
5 It rained ... during the autumn.
a) a few
b) many
c) few
d) a little
6 He didn't make ... mistakes.
a) little
b) a little
c) much
d) many
7 She doesn't spend ... money on her books.
a) many
b) a few
c) much
d) a few
8 Say ... and do much.
a) many
b) few
c) little
d) little
9 ... books are there?
a) Whom
b) Which
c) Whose
d) Who
10 This is an article ... you have translated.
a) who
b) what
c) where
d) which
11 Yesterday I met an old friend of mine ... I had not seen for a long time.
a) which
b) what
c) who
d) where
12 I am busy at the moment. I ... on the computer.
a) work
b) am working
c) worked
d) have worked
13 Here is my report. I ... it at last.
a) finish
b) finished
c) was finishing
d) have finished
14 We ... to Odesa for our holidays last year.
a) go
b) going
c) had gone
d) went
15 The children ... homework at 3 o'clock yesterday.
a) did
b) have done
c) had done
d) were doing
16 People ... English all over the world.
a) speak
b) speaks
c) have spoken
d) has spoken
17 Victor ... any mistake in the text, did he?
a) didn't make
b) made
c) had made
d) hadn't made
18 I am busy, ... I?
a) am
b) is not
c) aren't
d) are
19 She had studied Spanish before she ... to Madrid.
a) had come
b) comes
c) came
d) was coming
20 When I looked round the door, the baby ... quietly.
a) is sleeping
b) slept
c) was sleeping
d) had slept
21Yesterday we discussed the film which we ... some days before.
a) had seen
b) saw
c) were seeing
d) seen
22 Mother ... dinner by the time they came home.
a) cooked
b) was cooking
c) has cooked
d) had cooked
23 Tom went home and ... the computer.
a) had switched
b) switches off
c) has switched
d) switched
24 He hasn't come yet, ... ?
a) has he
b) hasn't he
c) he has
d) didn't he​

Ответы 1


1. d) One

2. c) any

3. a) something

4. a) Somebody

5. c) few

6. d) many

7. c) much

8. d) little

9. b) Which

10. d) which

11. c) who

12. b) am working

13. d) have finished

14. d) went

15. a) did

16. a) speak

17. a) didn't make

18. a) am

19. c) came

20. c) was sleeping

21. a) had seen

22. a) cooked

23. d) switched

24. a) has he

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