Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

8. Correct the sentences. A) Most Romani live in huts. B) Mongolian nomads live in modern caravans C) The igloo is a snow-home for the Thailand people. D) Thai huts are made from stone and wood.​

Ответы 1


A) The sentence contains a common stereotype about Romani people that is incorrect. It should be rephrased as "Some Romani people live in huts."

B) This sentence is incorrect as well. Mongolian nomads traditionally live in yurts, not modern caravans. The sentence should be corrected to say "Mongolian nomads live in yurts, which are traditional tents made of felt."

C) This sentence is also incorrect. The igloo is a snow-house traditionally used by the Inuit people, who live in the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and Siberia. It should be rephrased to say "The igloo is a snow-house traditionally used by the Inuit people."

D) This sentence is incorrect. Thai huts are typically made from bamboo, not stone and wood. It should be rephrased to say "Thai huts are made from bamboo."

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