Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

написати 10 речень з дієсловом ( write) у різних часах

Ответы 1

  1. Yesterday, I wrote a letter to my friend. (Pas Simple)
  2. This morning, he is writing an email to his boss. (Present Continuous)
  3. Last week, she wrote an article for a magazine. (Pas Simple)
  4. Tomorrow, they will write a report for their team meeting. (Future Simple)
  5. I have written a poem for my significant other. (Present Perfect)
  6. She will be writing a book over the summer. (Future Continuous)
  7. He is writing a note to remind himself about the meeting. (Present Continuous)
  8. They have written a thank-you card for their teacher. (Present Perfect)
  9. Next month, we will be writing our final exams. (Future Continuous)
  10. The students are currently writing essays for their English class. (Present Continuous)
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