Ответы 1
Моя відповідь:
- Matt has been visiting the Fiery Foods Festival for several years and always finds new and exciting products to try.
- All the products there are flavored with spicy ingredients to give them an extra kick.
- Chili peppers first grew in Central and South America and were eventually brought to other parts of the world.
- Wilbur Scoville invented a way to work out how hot a chili pepper is by measuring its Scoville units.
- The hottest chili peppers are rated at over 2 million Scoville units.
- The competition involved eating Carolina Reapers, the hottest chili peppers in the world.
- Eating dairy products such as milk or yogurt or boiled potatoes can help to neutralize the heat from chili peppers.
- The winner took on the challenge of eating 20 Carolina Reapers.
- The best thing to eat when your mouth is burning from spicy food is something cool and refreshing, like a glass of water or a spoonful of yogurt.
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