Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад


10.6.17 Rewrite what the people said, as in

the example.


"I can't watch the horror film. I'm not old enough."

I wish/If only I could watch the horror film.

If I were old enough, I could watch the horror film.

2 "I feel bored. I should have downloaded a film to



3 "I don't have enough free time to take up painting."

"I couldn't remember the dance moves. I should

have practised more for the performance."

"Brian is always talking during films. I get angry."

"There are no seats at the front of the theatre.

We should have arrived earlier."



Ответы 1


If only I had downloaded a film to watch, I wouldn't feel bored.

If I had more free time, I would take up painting.

I should have practised more for the performance so that I could remember the dance moves.

It makes me angry when Brian talks during films.

We should have arrived earlier if we wanted to get seats at the front of the theatre.

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