Вопрос по английскому языку
1 год назад

Пж помогите
на фото задание

Ответы 1


1 If it rains, then we will stay at home.

2 If I see Jim, I will ask him to phone you.

3 If I have enough money, I will go to the New York.

4 If he is late, we will go without him.

5 If I'm not too tired, I will go to the cinema.

6 I will be very surprised if he comes.

7 I don't go to bed now, I will be tired tomorrow.

8 They will go to the party if they are invited .

9 We will be late if we don't hurry.

10 If we eat all this cake, we will be sick.

11 He won't get a better job if he doesn't pass his exam.

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