Вопрос по английскому языку
2 года назад

Test 6

I. Vocabulary

Ex 1. Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B. Write the correct word combination.

Column A

Column B

1 theme

2 fun

3 rocket

4 driving



A licence






Ex. 2.Write the correct word.

1. The book is based on a true/real story.

2. Remarks/ Greetings from Spain!

3. It was totally responsible// irresponsible of you to leave your little sister alone.

4. The ideas in your essay were clear and logical/ /illogical. That’s why you got an “A”.

Ex.3. Phrasal verb “Come”. Complete the sentences using prepositions: back, round, across, out.

1 The new Marvel film will come____ soon..

2. Does your friend often come _____ to see you?.

3. I came _______ an old book in the library.

4. Bob came …… when nobody Was waiting for him.

II. Grammar
Ex. 4. Fill in the correct word. jet, just, ever, before, already, never.

1. I am not going on holiday until August but I have …… bought a swimsuit.

2. Have you done your homework? No, not …… .

3. You should …… be late for class.

4. I’ve …… had lunch so I can’t go swimming now.

5. I love reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory although I’ve read it many times …… .

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in Present Perfect.

1. I ______(never/be) abroad.

2. ____your mum ever _____(hear) this melody.

3. We ______ already ___(see) this film.

4. My friends ______( not explore) the haunted mansion.

5. The teacher _____ just_____ (explain) the rule.

6. _______ you ever____(fly) in a pirate ship?

III. Everyday English

Ex. 6. Choose the correct response. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.

1.Would you like to come to the Madonna concert with me?

2.Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight?

3.How about going on a picnic on Sunday?

4.Let’s go to an adventure camp this summer!

5. Do you fancy going bungee jumping with me?

6 How about designing a web page together?

7 Would you like to go swimming?

A I’d love to but the courses are too expensive.

b. That sounds great. The whole world would see our work!

c. That would be lovely. It’s so hot today.

d. Yes, I’d love to. She’s my favourite singer.

e. Maybe another time, when I’m less scared.

f. I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots of homework to do for tomorrow.

g. Great idea! I’ll prepare the sandwiches.

Ответы 1







6.g вроде так

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