Вопрос по английскому языку
2 года назад

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи the Past Simple Passive.
The Statue of Liberty 1 ... (to create) by a French
architect Bartholdi. It 2 ... (to make) in France. The statue
3... (to build) 11 years and when it was ready, it 4... (to
take) to the USA by ship. A huge base for the statue 5... (to
prepare) by the Americans on one of the islands two miles
from Manhattan. A lift and 390 steps 6... (to make) so that
the visitors could reach the crown top of «Lady Liberty»
and admire the view of the area. The Statue of Liberty
7... (to recognize) as a symbol of American freedom.
Ninety years later the statue 8... (to restore) by a team of
French and American experts.

Ответы 1


1.was created

was made

3.was built

4.was taken

5.was prepared

6.were made

7.was recognjzed

8.was restored

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