Вопрос по английскому языку
2 года назад

3. Раскрой скобки(50 БАЛЛОВ)

1. He (to understand) you if you (to speak) slowly.

2. He (to find) a good job if he (to try) hard enough.

3. You (to be attacked) by the dog if you (to move).

4. I (to go) away unless you (to want) me to stay.

5. If I (to make) coffee, you (to cut) the cake?

6. Please don’t sign any contracts unless they (to be checked) by me

7. If he (to hurry), he (to get) a good seat.

8. Someone may get into the house if he (to forget) to lock the doors.

9. He (to pass) his exam unless he (to want) trouble!

10. What you (to do) if you (to be free) on Sunday?

Ответы 2


1) will understand, speak

2)will find, tries

3)will be attracted, move

4)will go, want

5) make, will you cut

6) aren't checked

7)hurries, will get

8) forgets

9)will pass, wants

10)will you do, are free


first condition: условие в present simple, следствие в future simple

В придаточных условия, вводимых союзами if (если) и unless (если не), будущее время (например, Future Simple) заменяется формой настоящего времени (Present Simple), но на русский язык переводится будущим.

1. He will understand you if you speak slowly.

2. He will find a good job if he tries hard enough.

3. You will be attacked by the dog if you move.

4. I will go away unless you want me to stay.

5. If I make coffee, will you cut the cake?

6. Please don’t sign any contracts unless they are checked by me.

7. If he hurries, he will get a good seat.

8. Someone may get into the house if he forgets to lock the doors.

9. He will pass his exam unless he wants trouble!

10. What will you do if you are free on Sunday?

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