Вопрос по английскому языку
2 года назад

пожааааалуйста срочно очень.

Ответы 1

1. My friend Mike lives in Oxford. This is a letter   from _him_.

2. The children are hungry. Give _them_ something.

3. We are thirsty. Can you give _us_ some juice?

4. I don’t know this woman. Do you know _her_?

5. I never drink milk. I don’t like _it_.

6. These flowers are for my sister. Can you give _them_ to _her_?

7. I need some help. Please, help _me_.

8. I have just seen a mouse. Have you seen _it?

9. Meg is talking to you! Listen to _her_!

10. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful with _them_.

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