Вопрос по английскому языку
3 года назад

а) балалар
Прочитай тексты А-с и установи соответствие
между ними и заголовками 1—4. Используй
каждый заголовок только один раз. в за-
дании один заголовок лишний. Запиши в
поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4. Рекомендуе-
мое время на выполнение задания — 5 ми-
1. A Long Day
2. In the Morning
3. Afternoon with Friends
4. Evening at Home
~чал под
A. It is six p.m. Sally and John in the
kitchen. They are helping their mother. John is
washing up, and Sally is putting the cups and
plates on the table. Their mother is cooking
dinner. Their father is reading a book.
B. The children are in the classroom. It is three
o'clock, but the pupils are not going home. They
are eating a big birthday cake and drinking
Ann is very happy today: it's her
birthday. . The schoolchildren are giving her
flowers and little presents.
C. Today is Sunday and it's Kate's birthday. Kate
gets up, dresses and goes to the kitchen. What
can she see? There is a big cake with twelve
candles in the middle of the table. There are
bright flowers next to it. What is it? A birthday
cake for breakfast?

Ответы 1

A - 4 (Evening at Home)

B - 3 ( Afternoon with Friends )

C - 2 (In the Morning)

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