Вопрос по английскому языку
7 лет назад

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Dear Joe,
Everything is fineat home. John ___(finished, did finished, has finished) writing a book Paula ___ (has passed, have passed,passed) her exams
Yesterday I, ____(have seen, have saw, saw) a film at the local cinema and after that I ____(has driven, drove, have driven) to London to meet father. Your father looks different now. He _____(has lost, lost, loosed) a lot of weight. I was so happy to see him. Hope to ear from you soon.

Ответы 1

Dear Joe,
Everything is fine at home. John has finished writing a book Paula has passed her exams.
Yesterday I saw a film at the local cinema and after that I drove to London to meet father. Your father looks different now. He has lost a lot of weight. I was so happy to see him. Hope to ear from you soon.
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